Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thought for the day!

Reed get these thought everyday and this one I thought was particularly timely. Feel free to share with others. Have a wonderful day.

I am grateful for all of my family and Friends.

Gratitude is Happiness

Over the past few years I have noticed that it seems as if the more people have, the less grateful they are. Strange as it is, I really have come to believe that this is generally true. Interestingly, this, like so much in life is counter intuitive.
In American society there is wide-spread belief that in order to be happy, we need to have lots of money. This message is driven in so much of what we see and hear that it is almost impossible for us to believe anything else. And, since we don’t have as much as others we see, we think of what we have as inadequate so, we become restless and develop an appetite for more and more. In this drive to “have it all,” we fail to feel grateful for the wonderful things we already have and enjoy. So, I have learned that it is impossible for us to find happiness unless we feel gratitude! I decided to put this to the test the other day. I spent time within myself and asked one question, “What is the worst thing that can happen?” Well, the worst thing was that I could die! Other than that I found that I had a number of wonderful options no matter what could happen. I also saw some very positive things that could come into my life as a result of the “worst” thing that could happen to me. There is no doubt that this is the first time in my life where I could see wonder flowing from a dreaded fear. Here is just one of the things I saw that could be positive: I talked to my children and found that they would work side by side with me to help in any difficult situation. It gave me a chance to see the wonderful people they have grown to become; they have strength and courage. Each of my children has unique talent to share with the rest of us. We have a strong bond as a family that can’t be broken by external forces. Together, we can overcome any obstacle placed before us. Try using gratitude in your life. If you do, you will see the world in a different, unexpected light and you’ll draw more goodness to you. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll find the happiness you’ve been searching for! By the way, thank you!

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